
Porteføljens indhold og afkast

Our daily bread to a low price. Among our current 20 Zenostock-portfolios one of the star performers of the previous roster, “Fertilizers”, has not been included. But on the other hand we compose this portfolio consisting of 10 primarily European companies active within various areas of ‘Food and agriculture’. Partly as a consequence of rising fertilizer prices, which led to the good performance of the previous Fertilizer-portfolio, but also due to rising prices of other raw materials, the earnings outlook of many companies within the Food industry is currently cloudy. But on the other hand, as consequence of all this, this portfolio can be acquired to the lowest price during the last ten years. A 50 000 euro investment in this portfolio gives a share in book equity of 53 700 euros and a high dividend income of 2 246 euros or 4,4 %. The portfolio companies have on average a low level of debt but earnings are under pressure. (10.6.2022)

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