
ARK Innovation Etf - TOP 10

Porteføljens indhold og afkast

Up like a rocket and then down. The content of this portfolio consists of the ten largest positions of the once hugely famous ARK Innovation-fund. The fund invests in new technology companies with the aim of identifying companies developing ‘disruptive technologies’. For some years ARK was perhaps the single brightest star in the fund management industry and it recorded astonishing returns practically second to none. All that however changed dramatically during 2021 when the headwinds for the technology sector started that soon developed to a particularly difficult environment for the shares held in the ARK fund. Zenostocks portfolio x-ray and its graphs reveals the steep fall of the portfolio and its components but also the portfolios current all-time-low valuation. The judgment of the portfolio and its valuation is however complicated by the fact that most of the companies in the portfolio are loss-making and no dividends are in sight. Still, as the portfolio contains many high-profile names within ‘new technologies’ it is recommendable to keep an eye on its development. The performance of the ARK-fund might also be a good way to get a feel for the general mood of the market. An investment of 50 000 euros gives a combines share in the companies shareholders equity of 21 989 euros of which, however, a substantial part is made up of intangible assets. The portfolios share in earnings is a loss of - 5 995 euros which can be judged as substantial compared to an investment of 50.000. (10.6.2022).

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