
TSX - Battery Metal Index TOP 10

Porteføljens indhold og afkast

A hot theme currently, don’t burn your fingers. Toronto Stock Exchange, the main market place in Canada, one of the leading mining jurisdictions in the world, has recently launched a new index called ‘TSX – Battery Metal Index’. Our portfolio consists of ten stocks from this new index about which the Toronto exchange themselves writes as follows: ” The new index measures the performance of TSX and TSX Venture Exchange listed companies that are focused on the production and exploration of select metals, which are significant inputs in the decarbonization of the transportation sector”. I.e. this is about mining the metals needed to satisfy the worlds growing demand for batteries, caused by the electrification trend of, primarily, transportation. A potential issue with this portfolio is its high value and its very high earnings level in a historical comparison. But perhaps everything will become even better . . . . . this is a typical portfolio with a high “stress-level”. But, anyway, here it is and everyone is surely capable of forming his or her own opinion. An investment of 50.000 euros gives a share of equity of 43 181 euros and a currently very high share of earnings of 5 810 euros. (10.6.2022)

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