
Porteføljens indhold og afkast

Four European and three US oil majors. There are a number of pressing current issues surrounding the oil and gas industry of which the largest might be this: Could it be so, that the continuing high demand for oil and gas combined with the collapsing exploration activities during recent years as a consequence of the energy transformation ambitions could lead to severe shortages? Then add Russia and the availability of its oil to the situation. All this is not entirely easy to judge from here but we are of course all acutely aware of the already very high prices. An investment of 50 000 euros in this portfolio gives a share in shareholders equity of 30 105 euros and a dividend of 1 835 euros. Note that Zenostock also contains a considerable amount of ESG-data including ESG-reports for single companies and for portfolios, CO 2-emission data, sustainability ratings etc. The ESG-report for this portfolio tells us e.g. that the average CO 2-emissions for the portfolio amounts to 343 ton per million USD of revenue.

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