Portfolio tool

Your portfolios

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Sample Portfolios

The portfolios below constitute samples only, of how each user can create any portfolio for own monitoring and use. The portfolios are not in any way subject for active portfolio management, describing only a situation at a specific point in history, and hence, is not a recommendation, and do not enable imitation of a portfolio or a therein presented strategy.

Sample Portfolio - UK

Portfolio content and return

The portfolio below constitute a sample only, of how each user can create any portfolio for own monitoring and use. The portfolio is not in any way subject for active portfolio management, describing only a situation at a specific point in history, and hence, is not a recommendation, and do not enable imitation of the portfolio or a therein presented strategy.

Ten UK equities to ’ten year low’-prices. The UK stock market has followed a partly different path compared to many other western markets during recent years. As a consequence of the prolonged Brexit-process and the subsequent pandemic crises the price levels of a number of UK equities got distorted. This portfolio consists of a selection of, primarily larger, UK companies representing a variety of industries that together form a portfolio that has a negative return for all time intervals recorded in Zenostocks portfolio report. This might be of interest because the fundamentals and financial condition of the companies in the portfolio do not appear to fully justify this ‘ten year low’-valuation. An investment of 50.000 euros in this portfolio gives a share of 63 179 euros in the companies book equity (an amount that is double what an investor would have got for the last ten years on average). The portfolio pays its owner a good dividend of 2 131 euros or 4,25%. (10.6.2022)

This content does not constitute investment research, financial analysis or investment advice. The content may not be considered as a recommendation to either buy or sell a stock or other investment instruments. No guarantees regarding the correctness of the content of can be given. In case the user wants to form an opinion regarding a stock or some other investment instrument for a possible investment decision, the user is herself responsible for this. In this case we recommend that the user, either by his own or together with his/her possible investment adviser, gathers additional information regarding the matter. Zenito Oy publishes content regarding subjects Zenito Oy considers interesting from some perspective. This does not mean that the subject, viewed objectively, is interesting or relevant.